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Here to Help - how to contact us


You may be ready to place an order. Or, you might just want more information, There are many ways to contact us:


PHONE: home - 01524 62784 mobile - 07969760272


We are happy to discuss your requirements, without obligation. Do call at reasonable times, 7 days a week. Just ask for Jannice.
If you get no answer, please leave your name and number on our answerphone. We promise to call you back.




POST: Jannice Johnson, 44 Appletree Drive, Lancaster, LA1 4QY.


Find me on Facebook: Search 'Moocraft Rosettes'


However you contact us, we endeavour to reply promptly. Remember to provide ample contact details, including:
Your name, address, phone number, organisation you represent and the date of your show or event.

Please note, we confirm all orders before starting work. If you haven't had a reply from us, your enquiry or order did not arrive.